
Monday, May 31, 2010

Thank YOU, Corporal Jason Dunham

I recently heard this story.....

So on this Memorial Day, I want to share it......

About a young and brave Marine.....

Who sacrificed it all in Iraq.....

To protect his men.....

And our freedoms.....

Please PRAY for Our Troops today.....

And Thank a Vet, as well!!

Jason Dunham was born on November 10, 1981....

His birthday is the same day as the Marine Corp....

So it was no surprise that he joined the Marines....

His time was short for his tour in Iraq.....

He put in a request to extend over there.....

His Sergeant, and close friend told him.....

"We are headed for some very bad areas!!"

Jason replied, "I know that......."

"I want to make sure you guys make it back...."

"To your wives and families!!"

Coroporal Dunham was one of the few men......

In his platoon that was not married!!

One day his units convoy came under attack.....

Corporal Dunham led his squad....

Toward a group of Iraqi cars attempting to leave....

They stopped the cars to search for weapons....

An insurgent jumped from his vehicle.....

And started to physically attack Corporal Dunham....

In the hand to hand combat with the insurgent....

Corporal Dunham saw a grenade hit the ground....

He yelled so his squad could hear him.....


Instead of running......

Corporal Dunham threw his Kevalar helmet over the grenade....

And threw himself over the helmet.....

He and two other Marines were injured from the blast....

This is what was left of his helmet after the blast!!

His body received the majority of the explosion.....

Eight days later, in Bethesda, Maryland....

He died from his injuries.....

With his family there by his bedside......

As was the Commandant and the Sergeant Major of the Marines!!

Two years later, he was awarded.....

The Congressional Medal of Honor

Posthumously, by President George W. Bush....

The Award was presented to his family.....

The story of his sacrifice was told again.....

To which his Mother replied......

"That comes as no surprise to us......"

"As Jason was always looking out for others!!"

So allow me to say it again......

Thank YOU, Corporal Jason Dunham!!

Allow me to say it to those that I know that are serving....

Thank YOU, Sergeant Hector Perez!!

Thank YOU, Sergeant Rick Brown!!

Thank YOU, Private Bryan Nagel!!

(This is my oldest son, just finished his training,.....

Heading back to his Reserve Unit in Alaska, where he moved to!)

But most of all, today as you fill that paper plate....

Full of burgers and salads and hoist a cold beer.....

Say "Thank You" to ALL of the Jason Dunhams.....

That have paid the price for YOU and ME.....

So that WE can live in the GREATEST Country in the World.....

Full of freedoms to live our lives as we want....

Freedom of religion.....

Freedom of choices.....

Freedom to work for others.....

Freedom to work for ourselves.....

Freedom to be a bum, if we want to......

Freedom to be a Millionaire, if we want to.....

Freedom to share our thoughts and ideas with others.....

Freedom to NOT accept those same things from others.....

Freedom to own property.....

Freedom to own guns.....

Freedom to spend our money as we see fit.....

Freedom to borrow money, as we may need....

I know, the majority of my friends that will read this...

Are home based Entrepreneurs.....

Or they are working on starting up a business.....

Allow ME to put ONE REQUEST upon YOU.....

For today......and ALWAYS......

"Build your business as Jason Dunham....."

"Lived and Sacrificed his Life - Looking Out For Others!!!"

Don't build it at the expense of others.....

Build YOUR business by building the People.....

Print out a picture of Jason Dunham.....

(I like the one with the baseball cap on)

Put it near your phone.....

Or near your computer.....

Make it a NEW version of....."WWJD".....

"What Would Jason Do????"

Look out for others......FIRST!!!

For those curious on how to build OTHERS first.....

Stop over to The Million Mind March....

Where you will learn how to....

"Change Your Mind....."

"Change Your Income....."

"Change Your Life...."

"And Change The World!!!"

Live Open Public Calls Every Monday night at 9:27pm, eastern

YES.....even today, on the Holiday!!

641-594-7000, passcode 600088#

Look for me there......serving and saluting......

Afterall, I am a Vet as well, but of course.......


Call or text: 585-202-3333


My Blog:

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Gift!!

Recently, a visiting Pastor from Alaska shared this passage.....

"Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2nd Timothy 1:6-7

Then I see the Great Franco Gonzalez posted on Facebook....

"though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death..."

Are WE NOT on the same page here???

Which bring ME to my thoughts.....

About The Million Mind March.....

Why I hang out there......

And why hundreds of people hang out there too.....

Because it IS a place that will......

"Change Your Mind......"

"Change Your Income....."

"Change Your Life!!"

Allow me to show YOU from that passage.....

Guess what????

It got ME thinking again!!!

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear"...

Fear is a state of mind.....

Not Knowing the unknown.....

(if that makes any sense!!)

Or you are unaware of what is around you....

Your surroundings......your area......your abilities......

It is a lack of confidence......

Joe Schroeder and Diane Hochman......

Have been teaching for YEARS......

From what THEY know........

Which gives their students the confidence.....

To press on......

Go forward......

Or better yet.......


Bury the Words, "I Can't"......

And YOU bury your fears!!!!

"but of power".....

Also goes to the word confidence......

That YOU will be encouraged within the Community......

At the Million Mind March......

"Where YOU are celebrated, not tolerated!!"

The verse continues: "and of love"

Also goes to the previous point......

BUT, these people within the Community.....

Are the MOST loving......

Best huggers......

Best encouraging.......

Group of people I have EVER met!!!

Yet it is because we are ALL like minded.....

Home based entrepreneurs......

That read hundred year old books.....

From dead authors......

Or the Book of Proverbs.....

Or as I started this message.....

With other Scriptures that point to US as a group....

And finally: "and of a sound mind"!!

Why is it called The Million Mind March????

Because once YOU sit at the feet of a Master.....

Eat the bread crumbs he drops from His table.....

Listen to the Words he speaks.....

Adjust your mindset.....

And YOUR subconscious mind......

YOU will think differently.....

YOU will speak differently....

YOU will WRITE differently......

And people will wonder what you have done.....

What has happened to YOU......

And can I have what YOU have got????

Introduce them to a truck driver from Jersey.....

And a former overweight housewife from Connecticut......

That WILL teach them things.....

About THEMSELVES.......

That will change the lives of MILLIONS!!!

"My Prosperity Prospers Ten Thousand People,"

"Their Prosperity Prospers ME!!"

Open Public Calls EVERY Monday night at 9:27pm, eastern.....

641-594-7000, passcode 600088#

Or listen to the "17 Day Challenge"

800-772-9781, ext 42

See YOU on the calls....



Call or text: 585-202-3333


My Blog:

Monday, May 17, 2010

One Degree To The Port Side

During a recent Member's call......

Over at The Million Mind March

I remembered what had happened.....

Recently when my family traveled to Virginia.....

We went to Colonial Yorktown....

Toured the Fort and the dock.....

At the dock was two of the three replica ships.....

That were original at Yorktown during the 1700's....

In that day, Sailors did NOT have GPS.....

They did NOT have computers.....

They relied on their skill and their knowledge.....

They used the stars, the moon, and the sun.....

To determine WHERE they were as they sailed......

Once they "mapped out" the New World......

They could determine where they were going.....

Fast forward THREE centuries.....

Let's have a LOOK at YOU!!!!

Do YOU absolutely KNOW what YOU are doing???

Do YOU know where you are going????

The definition of "Insanity" is.....

"Doing the same thing over and over again.....

Expecting different results each time!!!"

Can I share a little secret with YOU????

Take your navigational maps....

And your compass.....

Change your course.......

Just ONE degree.....

Only ONE......

To the Port side.......

Depending on how far you are traveling.....

Depends upon how far that one degree will change......

Your final destination....

Could be HUNDREDS of miles.....

Could be THOUSANDS.......


Are YOU ready for this?????

YOU will NOT know you are THERE.......

Omigosh.....this is a good-un!!!

UNTIL you get there!!!!!!!

But ALL that YOU have to do.....

Is to MOVE just ONE DEGREE!!!

You don't have to do a 180.....

Or even a 360.......

Just ONE simple degree......

Can change your end result.......

Can change YOUR World......

Can change how the World LOOKS at YOU!!

One degree!!!

Not TWO.....

Not THREE......

Just ONE!!!!

How hard is that????

How hard are YOU willing to work????

ONE DEGREE is NOT difficult!!!

YOU truly CAN do it.......

YOU have to BELIEVE that YOU CAN.......

And LORD knows.....

That HE can prove it through YOU......


Will do it!!!

Care to find a place.....

That will help YOU.....

Learn how to make the change......

That will make the difference in YOUR life......

And the lives of people YOU will meet.....

Learn how YOU, and everybody YOU know can......

"Change Your Mind......."

"Change Your Income......"

"Change Your Life!!!!"

Over at MY favorite "Port of Call"....

Over at The Million MInd March

Open to the Public Calls.....

Every Monday night at 9:27pm, eastern.....

641-594-7000, passcode 600088#

Or check out this recording......

800-772-9781, ext 10

Look for me........sailing alongside YOU..........

Oh wait......I have ALREADY changed my course.......

By ONE degree!!!


I AM...........JASON NAGEL

Call or Text: 585-202-3333


My Blog:

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Three.....Two......One........We Have Ignition (Part Two)

I cannot wait to finish this Part Two......

When it flows......

It truly DOES FLOW.......

(but I needed to rest my eyeballs!!)

As I said in the first part..... does NOT deny the theory.....

That I first potrayed.....

It would take them forever to go back....

Throughout the History of transportation.....


Oh gosh, I hope you are ready for this one......

YOU will smack your head in a V-8 juice moment......

When you see what they DO say......

AND, History does repeat itself......

Over......and over.....and over, again......

The full article is called Horse's Pass

"Although we humans can be remarkably inventive, we are also often resistant to change and can be persistantly stubborn (or perhaps practical) in trying to apply old situations to new conditions. When confronted with a new idea such as a "rail", why go to the expense and effort of designing a new vehicle for it rather than simply adapting ones already in abundant use on roadways? If someone comes along with an invention known as a "Iron Horse", wouldn't it make sense to put the same type of conveyance pulled by "regular" horses behind it? That is indeed exactly what was tried in the early days of American railroads."

Soooooo......what is that saying????

If you have something you are using......

And introduce a new way to move it.....

Then don't reinvent the wheel.....

Just use what you already have.......

Some of you are smiling right now.....

Because YOU see where I am going with this.......

STRAP yourself in for this.......


You have heard it in your church.......

"We've always done it THIS WAY!!"

You hear it at your home......

"We only know how to farm!"


"Your Mother and I went to college, you should too!"


"But son, you NEED the benfits to provide for YOUR family!"

Then others will say to you.......

"Network marketing is a 'Pyramid scheme'!"

"Working from home? You? Yeah right!!"

"YOU don't know how to run a 'home business'!"

"You'll never make it, file for bankruptcy NOW!!"

People hate change.....

(Unless they voted for Obama, that is)

It take World Changers........




To think outside of the box......

Working nine to five sucks.....

But some people haven't opened themselves up.....

To greater possibilities within themselves.....

You have to be willing to go out in faith......

That YOU will come out okay on the other side......

How many light bulbs......

Did Edison make before he got one to work???

Or Bell with the telephone......

Or Ford with the first car.......

Or YOU with the project......

That you KNOW you have to do.......

To succeed in YOUR Home Business???

Will it fail???


But can I tell you something????


It won't fail......if YOU don't start it FIRST!!!!

Did you know the very first Space rocket......

ONLY went 16 miles, roundtrip???

NOW, what are we doing with Space travel????

Start small......

Build up to HUUUUUUUGE!!

But get it started...........NOW!!!

Care to meet a unique group of......

Can do artists......

Pioneer doers......

Good News Merchants.......

People that have received bumps and bruises......

Being Home based Entrepreneurs......

And when you join up with them......

They will encourage you.......

Teach you.....

Show you.....

What worked for them.....

And what didn't......

Most of all, and this is MY favorite part......

"They will celebrate YOU, not tolerate YOU!!!"

They are over at Million Mind March

Where they WILL teach you......

"You don't have to get it right, just get it going!"

Open to the Public calls EVERY Monday at 9:27pm, eastern....

641-594-7000, passcode 600088#

Or check out this recording......

800-772-9781, ext 10

Look for ME over there.....

Cuz I'll walk up beside YOU.....

And encourage YOU like nobody else can....

That's because.......


Call or text: 585-202-3333


My Blog:

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Three.....Two......One........We Have Ignition (Part One)

We have ignition......

We have Liftoff......

Space Shuttle Atlantis is clear the tower......

The shuttle just launched recently.....

For Atlantis it could be it's LAST flight.....

The Space Shuttle program is coming to an end, soon........

As YOU watch the shuttle launch.......

PLEASE shout out......"Hail Ceasar!!"........

It is because of Ceasar......

That the Space Shuttle is designed the way it is.........



Where did you dig up this one, Jason????

There is a story that has been making the rounds....

I did some research on it...... does not "deny" it......

But they do place some great points.....

That is why I titled this with a "Part One" in the title.....

I just know, I cannot explain this all at once!!!

The story states that the Imperial Roman Empire......

Is responsible for the "gauge" used for railroad tracks.......

That we STILL use today!!!

In the early centuries......

The "Imperial Roman Empire" pretty much conquered......

All of Europe and the surrounding area around Rome......

The story states that "roads" had to be cut......

To provide the Imperial Roman War Chariots.......

Access to the World that they were conquering....

A War Chariot is led by two horses......

So the "measurement" is based on the measurement......

Of two horse's asses.......

More about THAT later...."YES", chuckle NOW!!!

The "roads" cut for the chariots.....

Were later used for other horse drawn wagons.....

Typically, with two horses pulling it......

WHY, you "might" ask????

Because, most wagons were driven by ONE man......

And one man can handle two horses......

In the 1800's......

The railroad was started in England......

How do YOU originally move your equipment????

Down the roads cut for the chariots, etc.....

THUS, the axle dimensions are similar......

The first American train locomotives......

Were purchased from England......

And soon, manufactured in America.......

Might you just "randomly" change the dimensions.........

Just because YOU "want to"????

No will copy from the "Original"!!

So now we start building trains in America......

What the HECK does that have to do with the Shuttle????

Fast forward almost two centuries......

Space travel started in the 60's......

There is ALOT of interesting info about the Space Program....

My profile pic was taken at an Observation Deck.......

When my family and I were touring The Kennedy Space Center......

Money well spent for a family vacation.....

Look at pictures of the Shuttle when it launches....

The fuel that allows the launch....

In the "Solid Rocket Boosters"......

Is manufactured by a company in Utah.....

The Shuttle launches in Florida......

The ONLY way to ship them.....

Is on a train to Florida........

So tracks, tunnels, junctions, etc.......

Have been the SAME size......

Since the 1800's!!!

So......thank YOU, Marcus Aurelius.......

YOU, ........Ceasar helped design......

MAN'S travel......into SPACE!!!

If he only knew!!!

So the company making the "Boosters"......

Had to keep their size down......

To fit on the tracks and tunnels......

Alright, Jason........I have read enough of YOUR stuff......

That YOU will bring ME around to a certain point!!!

As usual, YOU, Dear Reader are correct.....

What started almost TWO THOUSAND years ago....

STILL has an effect on OUR World.......TODAY!!!

Roads for "War Chariots".......

Help set the "gauge" for Space Shuttles!!!

Oh comes the good part.......

WHAT are YOU doing today????

Right NOW......

In 2010.......

Where are YOU headed?????

Will it effect the WORLD two thousand YEARS from now????

MOST people would be happy to effect people.......

Two thousand MINUTES from NOW!!!

What YOU do today......

Should make a difference......

To your tomorrow!!!

And to those around YOU!!

Would YOU like to get some HELP......

Figuring out just "How" to do that?????

Hop on over to The Million Mind March

Find out how HUNDREDS of people have learned how to....

"Change Your Mind......"

"Change Your Income....."

"Change Your Life!!!"

Open to the Public Calls.....

Every Monday night at 9:27pm, eastern

641-594-7000, passcode 600088#

Or check out this recording.....

800-772-9781, ext 10

I have a "Second Part" about all of this......

Coming SOON........

So please look for it......

WHO am I????

C'mon "should know by NOW".....

I AM...........JASON NAGEL

Call or Text: 585-202-3333


My Blog:

How Is Your Aim??

I recently watched the movie.......

The Patriot

With Mel Gibson and Heath Ledger......

The story is about Man and his family.....

His name is Benjamin Martin......

A soldier, a Politician, a Dad.....

During the American Revolution....

Early in the movie.....

British regulars stormed the Martin home.....

Set it on fire........

The family escaped and got away......

Martin returned to the house.....

Opened up a chest and grabbed......

Rifles, pistols, ammo.......

Ran from the house with his arms full.....

He grabbed his boys and they ran into the woods...

He set up an "ambush" to attack.....

The British Regulars that just attacked his house...

They killed them all......all 20 of them.....


When he set up his boys up......

Behind a fallen tree....

He told them this......

"Remember what I have told YOU......."

"Aim small.......MISS small!!"

It is OKAY.......

YOU can sit back and exclaim, "WOW"......

How true is that statement????

If you are hunting......and aim "small"....

You miss your dinner.......

If you aim small in War.....

The enemy "might not" and you die!!!

Soooooo, look at YOUR personal life.....

Your relationships......

Your business......

Your goals.......

Are YOU aiming small????

I have heard it said before......

"If YOU aim at nothing......"

"YOU hit the target EVERY TIME

So.......let's think about that......

How are YOU on your "Goal setting"????

Do YOU set a goal on Monday......

And forget about it by Wednesday???

How is that working out for YOU????

Diane Hochman has taught ALOT......

About having a "90 Day Plan".......

"Oh GOD, not that old cliche......"

"MLM ramble about a 90 Day Plan!!!

I hear you thinking that now......

Nahhhh, Diane does a better job of it!!!

Then Joe Schroeder has said.......

"A Goal Is Just a Dream....."

"Until TWO People Agree With You!!"

Who do YOU share your dreams with???

Who KNOWS what YOU want to accomplish??

Do YOURSELF a favor......

Grab a notebook and a pen......

Go to a very quiet place......

Ponder your dreams....

Your goals.....

Your TARGET.......

Aim LARGE.......Hit LARGE

Write these "Goals" on 3 by 5 cards....

Or Post-It notes......

Paste them everywhere......

Mirrors, dashboards, PC monitors......

Oh could I forget?????

If you have read Joe Schroeder's book......

Disciplines Of Doership

He gives you his Secret Weapon....

On HOW.....THE Joe Schroeder remembers HIS Goals!!!

If you don't have a copy of the book.....

Contact ME....I have a secret source!!!

Care to hear MORE about......

Joe Schroeder......

Diane Hochman......

And a myriad of "Aimers"???

Take a look at The Million Mind March

Where people have learned for more than five years....

"To Change Their Minds......"

"Change Their Income......"

"Change Your Life......"

Open to the Public calls......

Every Monday night at 9:27pm, eastern.....

641-594-7000, passcode 600088#

Or listen to this recording......

800-772-9781, ext 10

Allow me to leave YOU with this thought.......

"Aim LARGE.......Hit LARGE!!"

Watch out for me......I'm aiming too....


Call or text: 585-202-3333


My Blog:

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The House That Built..........YOU!!!

I have REALLY grown to enjoy.......

The latest song my Miranda Lambert called.....

"The House That Built Me"

See the video HERE.....

It talks about going back to her home.....

That she grew up in.....

The house Mom dreamed of.....

And Dad built it.....

"nail by nail and board by board".....

She wants to come in.....

To touch and feel this old place.....

Because her life NOW is empty and broken....

She only wants to leave, with a memory.....

There are THREE things that I see here....

That I want to share with YOU today.....

First off, the majority of people that read this.....

Have a solid foundation built under them.....

Given to them by the parent(s) that raised YOU.....

Was it a perfect life???

With perfect parents???

If it was, then YOU are already listed in.....

The Guiness Book Of World Records....

You were the "fat kid".....

"Pimple face"......

"The Dork"......

an only child......

the "baby" of the family

BUT, you were given a "starting point".......

Something to fall back on.....

Knowing the difference between right and wrong.....

Maybe raised in a church......

Who KNOWS, but you have fallen back upon it.....

OFTEN, knowing it is the right thing to do.....

Thanks Mom......Thanks Dad!!!

Second, it IS okay to remember the past......

As she says in the song......

"I thought if I could touch this place or feel it,
This brokenness inside of me might start healing,
Out here it's like I'm someone else,
I thought maybe I could find myself,
If I could just come in I swear I'll leave,
Won't take nothin but a memory,
From the house that built me."

Her life is broken and wants to find a memory.....

It is okay to remember YOUR past.......

It is NOT okay to DWELL on your past!!!!

In Joe Schroeder's newest book, Discipline Of Doership

My favorite quote is on page 158, second paragraph.....

"Look, the God that made you does not live in the past and each time you go there, and use your past to abuse your future, you go alone. Because He is not there. What is, is and what isn`t, isn`t."

You will be ALL alone......

And the ONLY person you will YOU!!!




Use them to BUILD on that foundation.....

You received in number ONE......

They are a TOOL to build with.....

Not to destroy with.....

And finally, number three.......

Take what you have from ONE and TWO.....

And build Your LEGACY......

With the children......and grandchildren......

That have been given to YOU!!!!

Recently, Diane Hochman posted on her blog......

"Every year it’s different and every years it’s lovely.

And maybe if you know me you can feel me beaming right now
as I write this…

I am so proud of my two daughters and love them beyond words."

She has been working from home for TEN years.....

Been there for her matter what......

Been a Special Mom for two little girls.....

Then the "Volcano Lady", Shelly Allen posted.......

This video about leaving a J-O-B.....

So that she would NOT "sacrifice her kids".....

THAT is WHY most people want a Home Business!!!!

To protect their kids.....

To be there for THEM......

No latch-key kids at YOUR house.....

Home for ALL sports events, plays, and concerts.....

YOUR kids are ONLY young ONCE......

Build them up.....

Build YOUR Legacy......

And build your business.......all from home!!!

Care to find a way to build your business???

Or maybe just find a way to earn income?????

Come hang out with some GREAT people.....

Free training and Open to the Public calls......

For The Million Mind March every Monday at 9:27 pm

641-594-7000, passcode 600088#

Or listen to this recording......

800-772-9781, ext 10

Any questions.......give ME a "Holler".....


Call or text: 585-202-3333


My Blog: