
Monday, July 5, 2010

Are YOU A "John Hancock"?????

I LOVE the way these thoughts come to me!!!!

Yesterday morning, I wrote a note......

"If It Is Called "Independence Day".....How Come YOU Are NOT?????"

Then my Pastor was sharing some facts about......

The signers of the Declaration of Independence

Fifty six men were sent to the Continental Congress.....

Held in Philadelphia.....

They were sent from the thirteen colonies.....

As that colonies representative......

There was nothing special about any ONE of them.....

Only nine of them were rich enough to own Plantations....

The rest were from various walks of life....

Store owners, tradesmen, farmers, etc......

ALL fifty-six men signed the Declaration.....

The King of England was NOT impressed, nor pleased.....

About the Declaration of Independence.......

While the war went on, the fifty six signers......

Were chased, captured, harrassed, destroyed.....

By the British Army......

Five were captured and tortured until they died....

Others had their homes and property.....

Ransacked and destroyed......

Others were on the run constantly......

Others lost their families.....

One man had to leave his wife's deathbed.....

In fear of being captured and killed himself......

But do YOU want to know what?????

I'd be willing to bet YOU......

That if they had to do it again.......

Each ONE would grab that stylus.....

Dip it in the bottle of ink.....

And sign their name on that parchment AGAIN!!!!

Especially if they could see what their signing......

Did for those thirteen colonies......

And the rest of the American territory!!!

So why did I mention ONLY, John Hancock?????

John Hancock, as everybody knows......

Signed his name extra large.....

Jokingly stating, his doing so.....

"So the King cannot deny that I signed it!"

His signature stands out from the rest.....

Top CENTER of ALL of the signatures.....

While everybody else.....

Signed a normal signature.....

Nothing special, nothing unique.....

Nothing out of the ordinary.......

Do NOT draw attention to ME.......

Eventhough their signature on it......

DID draw attention to THEM!!!!

So to YOU, my friends out there......

YOU have decided to try to become an Entrepreneur.....

YOU put yourself out there in the WORLD.....

Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Blogging, Ezine articles......

YouTube, Flickr, and a myriad of other places.....

As YOU are doing ALL of that.....

Are YOU doing it as a John Hancock?????

Or as the other 55 signers????

Fit in...... normal...... amongst the crowd.........

"Oh GAWD, if they notice ME........"

" I might HAVE TO actually DO something!!!!

Movers and shakers of THIS WORLD......

Are "Can-Do Artists".....

"Preachers of Plenty"........

"Ministers of More"......

People that ARE NOT afraid of the end result.....

So they put their signature down.....


ON THE TOP......


In EVERYTHING that they do!!!!

Allow ME to introduce YOU to my three FAVORITES!!!

First is a truck driver named Joe Schroeder.....

A former street magician....

And door to door meat man.....

Built a Dynasty in network marketing.....

And for the past 15 years has trained....

BIG names, NOW, in the Industry.....

He also started The Million Mind March

Where YOU can learn to......

"Change Your Mind"......

"Change Your Income".....

"Change Your Life!!!!"

Open calls EVERY Monday night at 9:27pm

641-594-7000, passcode 600088#

Joe Schroeder taught my NEXT favorite......

A former overweight housewife from Connecticut.....

Queen Diane Hochman.......

Who for the past five years......

Has taught right alongside Joe at the Million Mind March.....

She already had a growing network marketing business....

BEFORE she met Joe Schroeder......

She calls herself a digital dingbat.....

But SHE has a "John Hancock" signature.....

ALL OVER the internet and the industry.....

She is working on a NEW project, YOU should see......

At Home and Small Business World

With a core group of great people......

They have Open Public calls EVERY Tuesday at 9pm.....

414-944-0004, passcode 9774024

Stop in and listen to their "Super Simple Summer Series"

Finally, my NEW, again, Friend.......

Franco Gonzalez.......

I first met Franco six or seven years ago.....

On a Rich forum rooms......

He was a SMART Enetrepreneur then......

Who recently joined us at the Million Mind March.....

Where I foresee himself, and his business......

Skyrocketing in the coming years......

As he too learns from Joe Schroeder and Diane Hochman.....

You can check Franco out ......

Over at Global Cashflow Systems

THESE are the three BIGGEST John Hancocks......

That I know of.......

Listen to.......


And appreciate.......

BUT, then again......

WHO am I?????

Soon to be known as The Bad Ass Trucker......

But for now..........


Call or text: 585-202-3333


My Blog:

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