
Monday, July 26, 2010

Lonely......Lost.......Forgotten.........NOT ME!!!

It was somewhere near the first of July......

My wife and I were Newlyweds.....

Living and working in Colorado Springs, Colorado.....

My Mom called me from upstate New York.....

"Your Uncle Chuck died yesterday!!"

She told me the details on where and how....

He had been sick for awhile.....

When he died it was quick and painless!!

"I want to go home for the funeral!"

I told my wife, she wanted to come too!!

Uncle Chuck was my favorite Uncle....

As well as my "Confirmation Sponsor".....

I continued to say......

"The sad part is that I don't know......"

"IF I would be so willing, if it was my Dad!!"

My parents had been divorced since I was seven.....

Only getting to see him once or twice a year.....

The sad part truly is.....

THREE MONTHS later, I had to make that choice!!

At the time, I was an Insurance salesman.....

Some company by the name of Prudential.....

My wife and I lived in a townhouse in the Springs.....

After dinner I went on some sales calls.....

I first stopped by a neighbor's house.....

When I walked back to my car, it was odd.....

The curtains were open to our back deck.....

The sliding glass door was open.....

The outside light was on....

I tossed my briefcase into my car....

When I closed the door....

My wife heard it and ran to the door.....

My brother in law was on the phone and wanted ME....

I went inside and she handed me the phone....

This was LONG before cordless phones and cell phones!!

We get along great and joke around ALOT......

So, I started right in with the horsing around.....

After awhile he tried stopping me.....

"Jason, I need you to stop!!"

"No more joking, calm down please!!"

So, I settled and said, "What's up??"

"They found your Dad dead this morning!!"

"They figure he had been there two days!!"

My Dad lived in a Senior Citizen Apartment Building

They have a card on their door.....

That needs to be turned every day....

If the next day, it is not turned.....

They first call you....

Then they will enter the apartment....

Usually with Police and EMS there....

They figure he had turned his card for the next day....

Fell, hit his head, and died right there.....

Thus it took two days before his card was wrong!!

That evening, on the phone.......

I cried!!

I cried because my father died

My Dad died when I was seven!!

There's a BIG difference between the two!!

Next thing we find out.....

He had NOTHING to his name.....

No Life Insurance or anything.....

ALL of us kids would have to pitch in.....

To PAY for his funeral!!

Luckily, one of my brothers did some checking.....

My Dad was a World War 2 Veteran.....

So the Veteran's Administration picked up the tab....

No big fancy funeral with procession....

The funeral home let the family meet them graveside....

For a small, informal service.....

The next day, we had a Church Memorial Service.....

Followed by a gathering at one of my brother's house....

When we went through his stuff....

We learned things about him.....

He had his Army medical records.....

He was hurt or sick every month for something....

There was a picture that had been in the local paper.....

Of him and his four brothers.....

Off to War at the same time.....

He kept things we made while in Scouts.....

He kept things that HE considered special.....

But do you know what???

How much MORE special would it have been.....

IF we knew these things while he was ALIVE???

He died .....lonely....





What a SAD way to come to the end of LIFE!!!!

SO......why am I telling YOU this????

First that I can make a confession.....

Or is it a Proclamation???

I refuse to die like this!!!

I refuse to die alone!!!

BUT.....for YOU, My Friend......

Remember what I said earlier???

"I cried because 'My Father' died......"

"My Dad died YEARS before that!!!"

How are YOU doing with YOUR family???

Are YOU a "Good Dad"???

Are YOU a "Good Mom"????

(YES....this can happen with women too!!)

Joe Schroeder once told me......

"The ONLY people that will care how you look......"

"Will be the 8 people standing around YOUR deathbed!!"

If YOU were to die......TODAY.....

Will people cry because you are gone???

Or will they rejoice because you are gone???

I also stated that my Dad died broke....

On Disability forever......

Then Social Security.....

Pauper's wages from the government!!

Do NOT be a financial burden for your family!!

It is bad enough having the emotional burden

Do not let lack be a burden too!!!

MOST of you reading this....

Are trying to build your OWN economy......

Joe Schroeder also states in "The Warrior's Prayer"

"My Prosperity Prospers TEN Thousand People......"

"Their Prosperity Prospers ME!!!"

Ten Thousand people are out there.....

Looking for YOU.....

Waiting for YOU.......

Wanting to LEARN from YOU.....

Wanting to PAY YOU!!!

How will YOU find ten thousand people.....

If YOU are NOT looking for them????

It's okay....sit there and scratch your chin on THAT point!!!

Lonely......Lost.......Forgotten.........NOT ME!!!

Another related Schroederism......

"I will NOT be denied!!"

Find out more about The Million Mind March

Every Monday night at 9:27pm, eastern

Open to the Public Revival Calls.....

641-594-7000, passcode 600088#

Find out how and why people can.....

"Change Your Mind"......

"Change Your Income".....

"Change Your Life!!"

Or you can listen to this recording.....

800-772-9781, ext 10

Have a pen and paper handy for that recording.....

There are ALOT of goodies on there.....

Otherwise, I hope to see YOU on a call soon.....


Call or text: 585-202-3333


1 comment:

  1. I found my dad in the morning after he passed away in his sleep. We wept for him at his funeral. He set a great example of discipline - 41 years of shiftwork with the same employer. He built the house he died in. Fathered a great family. He taught me my high work ethic.Love from the Universe......Dads are special people.

    Peter Horrill
