
Monday, March 1, 2010

Dust In The Wind........

I recently heard this song on the radio......

Song by the group, Kansas....

I met a trucker a few years back.....

That attends the same church as the band members.....

So I understand their philosophy behind the lyrics.....

"I close my eyes......
Only for a moment, then the moment's gone......
All my dreams.....
Pass before my eyes, a curiosity......

What are YOUR Dreams???

What are your goals???

They pass before your eyes......"

Joe Schroeder has said......

"A goal is just a dream.....

Until three people agree with you"

The song continues......

"Dust in the wind......
All they are is dust in the wind......."

DUST in the wind.......

Here today.......gone tomorrow......

Fleeting moments in time......

"Same old song......
Just a drop of water in an endless sea......

How MANY drops of water......

ARE in an endless sea?????

How many Dreams will YOU have.....

Over your lifetime????


"All we do.......
Crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to see....
Dust in the wind......."

Everything that we do......

Is "dust" in the wind

A house built by a carpenter......

Will burn or rot!!

A bridge designed by an Engineer.....

Will rust or crumble!!

Meat sold by a Meat man.....

Will get eaten or it too could rot!!

A Doctor's patients.....

Will die!!

When a farmer plants seeds.....

He will need to harvest.....

Or they will rot, as well!!


"All we are is dust in the wind, ohh.....
Now, don't hang on......
Nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky......
It slips away......
And all your money won't another minute buy....."

You cannot buy eternity..... will die.....

What YOU leave behind.....

Is YOUR Legacy......

And memories....

Of the good times.....

And, yes, even the bad times......

Life is TOO short.......

To waste it following.......

Other people's dreams!!

Find and follow.......

Your OWN dreams!!!

Turn your dreams into goals!!

And strive to reach those goals.....

Look at those goals......

On a daily basis.....

Forgotten goals are unattained goals!!

And unattained goals are......

"Dust in the wind.......
All we are is dust in the wind......
All we are is dust in the wind.......
Dust in the wind.......
Everything is dust in the wind!!!!"

Would you like to find a way to......

"Change YOUR Mind......"

"Change YOUR Income......"

"Change YOUR Life!!!"

Then come over EVERY Monday night.....

Open Public Revival Call at 9:27pm......

641-594-7000, passcode 600088#

Listen to Joe Schroeder and Diane Hochman.....

Creators and Leaders of The Million Mind March

Or check out this recording.....

800-772-9781, ext 10

Look for ME on the calls.......

I'll be the guy holding the Dust Buster



Call or text: 585-202-3333


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