
Saturday, March 13, 2010

How FIRM Is Your Foundation????

What does that have to do with ME???

It has EVERYTHING to do with YOU!!!

Your foundation can be.....






And Family!!!!

In recent weeks......

All around the World.....

Have been evidences of bad foundations....

The earthquake in Haiti......

Had destroyed hundreds of buildings.....

Homes and roads.....

HUNDREDS lost their lives.....

Looking at the photos.....

The concrete buildings had NO rebar.....

Poor building codes.....

Led to devastating destruction!!!

Buildings had shifted off of their foundations....

Foundations were cracked.....

Or heavily damaged.....

It'll take years......

And billions of dollars to reconstruct!!!

A few weeks later.....

Chile was hit with another earthquake.....

Buildings were damaged.......

Some were destroyed......

Highway bridges fell like house of cards......

Cars were thrown around like Matchbox cars.....

Chile's building codes are better than Haiti's.....

The damage was severe......

BUT......could be worse!!!

This is Old NEWS......

So where am I going with this????

Bring this ALL back to YOU!!!

If you are a Christian.....

Your foundation is based on Jesus Christ.....

As the hymm puts it.....

"On Christ the Solid Rock I stand......."

Everybody has a Creator that they follow.....

To be their foundation in their life.....

Or your Life foundation is based on.....

Your job, your title, or your position......

And like in Haiti........

That foundation will not last a calamity.....

No job, title, or position will last forever either!!

So you need to build up YOU!!!

Base your LIFE on clear thinking....

Or as the "Catch phrase" of today.....


Do NOT be misled by the wrong mindset training......

Find a teacher.....

Or Uncommon Mentor......

Who has been teaching this for years.....

And uses the old Masters like......

Ben Franklin.....

Wallace Wattles.....

Napolean Hill......

The Proverbs.......

If the mindset training is correct......

It teaches from old principles......

That have withstood time......

And still hold true.......

Whether it has been 100 years.....

300 years.......

2000 years.......

Or many, many more!!!

I found an Uncommon Mentor as such.....

Joe "The Meat Man" Schroeder

Who created a Community of Entrepreneurs.....

Called The Million Mind March

Where YOU can learn how to.......

"Change Your Mind......"

"Change Your Income......"

"Change Your World!!"

We have Open to the Public calls.....

Every Monday night at 9:27pm, eastern.....

641-594-7000, passcode 600088#

Come sit at the feet of an Uncommon Mentor......

Firm up your foundation within YOU first.....

Then YOU can show thousands how they can firm up theirs!!!

That is how WE do things at The Million Mind March

Sit with ME in the classroom.....

Full of "Good Learners"......


I AM............JASON NAGEL

Call or text: 585-202-3333


My Blog:

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